Complete marketing service, Google Ads, SEO, Websites, Social media

How did we increase Penta's conversion rate by 200%?

We conducted an audit of the company's previous marketing activities, identified the weaknesses of previous campaigns and based on the lessons learned, began to implement a new strategy.

As a result, the number of conversions and ad clicks increased by more than 200% with the same budget, and the cost of acquiring a lead dropped to PLN 5 from PLN 145.

Penta strona
+ 200 %
number of conversion
-145 PLN
lead cost
+ 200 %
ad click-through rate

About the client

Penta is a company from Gdynia operating in the IT sector for over 25 years. It provides comprehensive IT services to many businesses. It offers includes software from well-known brands such as Acronis and Symfonia, but can also boast many proprietary solutions that effectively support the company’s clients.
Logo Pent

Baseline situation

Our actions

Marketing strategy


Google Ads Campaigns

SEO optimization

Social Media Management

Penta Instagram


Increased the number of conversions by more than 200%

We implemented new advertising strategies, created landing pages and tailored the content of the ads to the expectations of the audience, which allowed us to double the number of new customers.
Penta-wyniki kampanii

200% Increase in Ad Click-Through Rate

We optimized the keywords and content of the ads, conducted A/B testing and personalization for specific target groups in Google Ads campaigns, which contributed to an increase in click-through rates and ad appeal of more than 200%.

Reduce the cost of acquiring a lead by 97%

Our actions in Penta’s advertising campaigns resulted in decreasing the average cost per lead acquisition from 150 PLN to 5 PLN.

Penta-wyniki kampanii

Would you like us to run your campaigns?

Check out our offer and schedule a non-binding consultation!


Penta Instagram


Penta Instagram

Redesign and Social Media Management

We created a new visual identity for Penta, planned regular publications in various formats (images, stories, videos), leading to increased reach and brand awareness on social media platforms.

New Website

The company appeared online with a modern, user-friendly, and easily navigable website, ranking high in Google search results.

We established a professional company image and effectively showcased its previous accomplishments.

Our undertaken actions tangibly elevated the number of clients, thereby boosting the company’s turnover.
Penta strona

What does the client think about this?

"You conducted a thorough analysis of marketing activities, identified areas needing improvement, and implemented appropriate changes. You provide support at every stage of the process, which is incredibly important to me."
Radosław Nowak

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